Finn magasin
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Spiegel Jahres Chronik
Spiegel special, different topics each issue.
kr 209,-Kvartals Årsmagasin
Kvartal är ett politiskt oberoende mediehus som publicerar poddar och texter med samhällsjournalistisk inriktning. Vårt årsmagasin samlar de mest minnesvärda publiceringarna från året som gick.
Monocle Newspaper
On the eve of the Olympics Games Paris 2024, Monocle is launching a newspaper celebrating the French capital. We¿ll introduce our engaged readers to the people who they should know and the global benchmarks of quality and ambition, while ensuring that they discover the best hotels, the most-inspiring shops and much more.
kr 85,-Harvard BR Special
Put HBR¿s ideas to work faster and easier with enhanced Harvard Business Review OnPoint articles and collections. HBR OnPoint articles help you quickly absorb and apply the concepts with a summary of key ideas and company examples. An annotated bibliography lets you explore the ideas in more depth. HBR OnPoint collections include three to five HBR OnPoint articles and an overview comparing different views on a topic. Quarterly.
kr 415,-Ledernytt
Magasinet LederNytt inneholder en rekke artikler, intervjuer og reportasjer innen ulike fagområder som berører ledere i jobbsammenheng. Disse temaområdene er: personal og ledelse, lederutvikling, HMS, økonomi, salg, markedsføring, styrearbeid og gründerskap.
kr 229,-Chronicles magazine
The magazine is known for promoting anti-globalism, anti-intervention, and anti-immigration stances within conservative politics, and is considered one of the leading paleoconservative publications.
kr 189,-Monde Diplomatique(FR)
French Foreign journalistic magazine.
kr 80,-Harvard Business Rev.
The journal of management thought and practice, written by authorities in business and business education. This bimonthly publication offers discussion and debate on agenda-setting issues of both national and international significance while challenging the conventional wisdom of management practice.
kr 356,-The World Ahead/Economist
The economist s Annual Chronicle. Appearing once a year and provides an overview of the most important events in the coming year.
kr 179,-