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Bladet har akkurat gjennomgått en omleggingsfase for å produsere et bredere magasin av det tidligere nisjebladet Jazznytt. Redaksjonen føler at de langt på vei har lyktes i å gjøre det til et mer fargerikt magasin om jazz. Norsk –
kr 125,-Bluesnews
Det blå magasinet for alle bluesfrelste. Talerør for det norske bluesmiljøet. Presentasjon og intervjuer med både norske og internasjonale artister, platenytt, festival- og konsertprogrammer, samt oversikt over de mest populære klubbene.
kr 130,-Bluesnews
Det blå magasinet for alle bluesfrelste. Talerør for det norske bluesmiljøet. Presentasjon og intervjuer med både norske og internasjonale artister, platenytt, festival- og konsertprogrammer, samt oversikt over de mest populære klubbene.
kr 130,-Opus
OPUS är musikvärldens mest exklusiva magasin, med underhållande och allmänbildande läsning om allt inom klassisk musik och opera. Initierade reportage från kunniga skribenter, det senaste från svenskt och internationellt musikliv, en konsertkalender, cd-recensioner och spännande läsning om såväl högaktuella ämnen som artiklar med historiska kopplingar.
kr 129,-Vintage Rock Presents
Vintage Rock special covering the music, artists, lifestyle and culture of the Golden Era, from early 50s to mid-60s.
kr 296,-History of Rock
From the Publishers of UNCUT. This brand new monthly packed with 148pages runs through past decades with the launch issue starting with the year of 1965. Every issue reconstructs all the key musical events from the year, using a wealth of revelatory interviews, reviews and news stories from the vaults of NME and Melody Maker.
kr 335,-Record Collector Presents
Special issues from the publisher of Record Collector. The ultimate guide to the building of the worlds greatest Rock n Roll band.
kr 295,-Country Music People
Country Music People magazine contains features on a range of UK and imported releases in the country music field. The magazine also provides information on the latest chart updates as well features on the well known players in the industry. The magazine will also contain news and listings of evenings and clubs that are being held all over the country which are dedicated to the country music and dancing scene.
kr 189,-Classic Rock
The definitive voice in rock journalism, going behind the scenes to bring, for the very first time, the real stories behind rock legends from Led Zeppelin to Metallica, to Marilyn Manson and beyond. In-depth profiles and features on the movers and shakers of rock music. Focuses on hard rock, heavy metal and the older generation of ¿Rockers¿. Interviews, news overviews, tour dates, retrospective articles and a hefty reviews section.Monthly.
kr 119,-